Author Archives: grant

Philanthropic Learning Journeys | How to Design for Impact?

What is a Learning Journey? A learning journey is a series of intentionally planned experiences with thought leaders in the field of philanthropy. It is more than just going on site visits. You may want to go deeper in understanding your role as an effective funder in a specific area. How can you work smarter […]

The Power of Family Legacy + Philanthropy

In a world that often prioritizes individual success, the concept of family legacy and philanthropy stands as a beacon of inspiration. By embracing philanthropy as a core element of their legacy, families can create a ripple effect of positive change that spans generations. Spending time to define what your legacy is and means to you […]

Making Time to Connect | The Value of Nonprofit Site Visits

Regular connection with the nonprofit community is critical to being an effective philanthropist. One of the most immersive ways to be effective is to conduct site visits at nonprofit organizations. These visits provide a firsthand look at how nonprofits operate, the communities they serve, and the tangible outcomes of their programs.  Site visits can broaden […]

10 Ways to Volunteer as a Family

It sounds good in theory: “We’re going to volunteer as a family this summer with all of our free time!” Then reality sets in: When are you supposed to fit this into the schedule? Or we hear a lot, “I want my children to use their summer to get better connected to our community. But […]

Choosing the Right Charitable Giving Vehicle

Philanthropists and their advisors often wrestle with their options for charitable giving vehicles. You’ve mostly heard of a donor advised fund (DAF) and a private foundation, which are the two most common. Families can choose alternatives in the form of LLCs or Trusts. More sophisticated philanthropists may utilize a variety of giving vehicles to accomplish […]

Timing is everything | When to engage a philanthropic advisor?

When is the right time to engage a philanthropic advisor to achieve effective and lasting results? You and your family may be exploring estate and tax planning strategies with your advisors. Philanthropy and social impact are likely a part of the conversation. You are asking big questions about legacy planning and how to take care […]