10 Ways to Volunteer as a Family

It sounds good in theory: “We’re going to volunteer as a family this summer with all of our free time!” Then reality sets in: When are you supposed to fit this into the schedule? Or we hear a lot, “I want my children to use their summer to get better connected to our community. But how do I find the right opportunity?” Well, we have some ideas.

Passion Leads to Motivated Volunteers

The key is to ask for your children’s help in choosing the right opportunity. Get them excited about what they’re about to do and tap into their creative energy. We all know it’s going to be more fun if it’s their idea in the first place.

1. Volunteer at a local library and/or run a book drive.

2. Work with your local food bank to assist in sorting and organizing their supplies. 

3. Offer tutoring or reading aloud to children at local day camps or your local Freedom School.

4. Play music or sing for residents of assisted living facilities.

5. Clean up your local parks and beaches.

6. Plant a tree in your yard or neighborhood.

7. Put together a lemonade stand and donate proceeds to a charity of choice.

8. Write uplifting notes of cheer to patients at a local children’s hospital or a person serving in our military. 

9. Help your favorite nonprofit get organized by filing paperwork and/or sorting electronic files.

10. Organize photos and video files and help create digital photo albums or videos at a local nonprofit.

Just Do It

Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good when it comes to finding volunteer opportunities; just get out there and do it! Building the muscle of generosity together will create lasting habits and good memories together.

Find the Right Opportunity For You

If you want help finding an organization to volunteer with this summer or anytime of the year, please reach out to the GPA Team. We have organizations and specific examples for each of the ideas listed above. You can also conduct your own search using Volunteer Match.

Volunteering = Family connection

Volunteering as a family also transfers your values by way of working together. Philanthropy is more than writing a check. By volunteering together you demonstrate there are lots of forms of philanthropy. Giving back to the community in which you live sets an example for your kids. Sharing why you are motivated to give back in big and small ways in your community will speak volumes to your kids and begin the creation of your family’s legacy. Sign up today!

About Grant Philanthropic Advisors:
We’re an independent, Charleston-based firm helping clients to focus and maximize their philanthropy—in turn, strengthening the fabric of our communities. Founded in 2019, we help donors move from responsive patterns of giving by assisting clients to identify values and become more strategic in their philanthropy. Our goal is to help donors to become more effective as change-makers. Our team has a combined 100 years of experience working in the field of philanthropy.

We work with foundations (large and small staff teams), donor advised fund holders, multi generational families, individuals, philanthropy supporting organizations and corporations to design philanthropic strategies. We work with philanthropies that grant $1 million to $40 million annually. Our clients span the Southeast with a concentration in Charleston, Atlanta and Charlotte.